Ventura NewsLocal news for Ventura, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ventura teacher recruits strangers to carry critters around the globe- July 7, 2008 Donald Turnbull visits with students at Citrus Glen Elementary School. Turnbull and other FAA employees began sending postcards from wherever the teddy bears visited. 1 held after stabbing; couple hospitalized- July 7, 2008 A Ventura man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after being accused of stabbing his brother and sister-in-law Sunday morning, police said. Defense lawyers protest lag in filing misdemeanor charges- July 7, 2008 Four days before the one-year statute of limitations was going to run out, the Ventura County district attorney filed a misdemeanor charge of driving while intoxicated against Ashley Jennifer Newell of ... Must-have doggie items on display at Ventura show- July 7, 2008 Trisha Budge of Newbury Park shops for her dog Zoey, a Jack Russell terrier, at the Summerfest Dog Show in Ventura on Sunday. Free to revel on 4th- July 7, 2008 Juan Carlo Star staff Kelsey De Leon of Reseda rides the Orbitron during the holiday activities at the Marine Emporium Landing at the Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard on Friday. Editorial: Neglecting our levees- July 6, 2008 Levees generally come to the public's attention only when they fail, as they did this year in the Midwest. Road accidents claim 5 during July 4 weekend- July 6, 2008 During the July Fourth weekend, five people, including two motorcyclists, have died in separate accidents in and near Ventura County. Editorial: Celebrate the nation's birth- July 6, 2008 The nation's birthday will be celebrated as always - with barbecue grills fired up, cool drinks on ice and fireworks shows as dusk slips into night. 2 victims of violence remembered- July 5, 2008 Photos by Karen Quincy Loberg Star staff Katy Singler and her mother, Jackie Singler, comfort each other at the vigil held for Andrew Singler and Kyle Swartz. Homeless veterans losing their Hope- July 5, 2008 File photo by Guy Kitchens Special to The Star Ted Burk, center, shares a laugh with Jerry Whiteside during the 2007 Stand Down event in Ventura. |