Allen NewsLocal news for Allen, KY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bus tragedy: 50 years later- April 29, 2008 "I was in eighth grade and there were two on the bus from my room - Katie Jarrell and her brother Bucky Jarrell" Those who were around Floyd County 50 years ago remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard 27 children had been killed in the nation's worst school bus disaster. via Independent Tanker spills crude oil on I-64- April 26, 2008 "At that point, we'll take the detour signs down at Morehead" A tanker truck overturned on Interstate 64 on Friday morning, spilling more than 3,700 gallons of crude oil, shutting down the highway and creating nightmares for emergency responders and motorists. via Independent Louisville Paving, Clifton consider razing plant- April 11, 2008 Louisville Paving Co., which shut down asphalt production two years ago at its Payne Street plant in Clifton, would demolish its facilities there under a proposed settlement of a class-action lawsuit filed by ... via The Courier-Journal |