Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cisco offers appliance for unifying management of mobile apps- May 28, 2008 Cisco Systems Inc. today announced a networking appliance designed to support mobile applications being deployed by companies over both wired and wireless networks. Voters in Ashland turn down override- May 25, 2008 Voters turned down a request for a $496,000 Proposition 2 12 override Tuesday by a 49-vote margin. Widower urges new insurer law- May 18, 2008 "If only every decision were as easy as choosing the right life insurance" ASHLAND, Mass. -- When Jenny and John Crowley learned that they were having a baby, the couple did the responsible thing: They bought life insurance. via The Courier-Journal Reclaiming the forgotten veterans- May 15, 2008 "We even have old retired vets knocking on doors." They wait in dusty basements, long forgotten on darkened shelves. Some have been neglected for 100 years or more. via Boston.com Assistant superintendent selected- May 12, 2008 Ashland The School Committee has unanimously selected Ann Marie Dargon as assistant superintendent of schools, starting July 1. Kay Wood, who has held the position for five years, is retiring. via Boston.com Young widower pushes for change in Mass. life insurance law- May 10, 2008 "We reviewed all that and agreed that a different standard should apply." By DENISE LAVOIE The Associated Press Saturday, May 10, 2008; 1:35 PM ASHLAND, Mass. via Washington Post People news- May 4, 2008 Matthew Connor, son of Paul and Filomena Connor of MARLBOROUGH, received academic first honors at BOSTON COLLEGE by making the university's dean's list for the fall 2007 semester. via Http Lessons from recent override campaigns- May 1, 2008 They wave signs at street corners and outside elementary schools, pass out flyers in front of grocery stores, and knock on door after door to tell their neighbors how to vote. via The Boston Globe |