Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Producers focus on Mexico, top market for U.S. pork, beef- March 28, 2008 "It was good of the Nebraska Corn Board to pull corn, cattle and hog people together on a trip like this so we can all better understand where we fit in the marketplace and how we all need to work together." 'Mexico is the top foreign destination for U.S. and Nebraska pork and beef in terms of sheer volume - 'making it important for U.S. producers to understand that marketplace and the continued opportunities ... via Gothenburg Times Young farmers need flexibility, not restrictions- March 22, 2008 "The capital intensive nature of agriculture -- not corporate farming -- is the major challenge to the continuation of the family farm." Nebraskans, tired of large, out of state corporations getting into and out of farming when it benefitted boards of directors in distant cities, voted in Initiative 300 in 1982. via McCook Daily Gazette |