The Noble Pundit<br>Avoiding the PC police since early 2003.<br><br> Plus, my thoughts on the world!I've Moved (sort of)- April 13, 2004 I've moved, a little, and maybe only for a while. New site is still at the same address, I'm just posting this for those of you who might be reading me on an RSS feed. For the moment, all my... Happy Easter- April 11, 2004 Just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that I am still alive, just been working my tail off this week and to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Regular posting will be resuming as soon as I get... Why Democracy Is A Bad Idea- April 5, 2004 Solvenia went to the polls today. On the ballot, a measure to restore the rights of ethnic minorities who were "erased" from the country's records following the breakup of Yugoslavia. The measure was overwhelmingly defeated with 95% of the voters... Opening Night- April 5, 2004 Tonight is opening night for Major League Baseball. The Red Sox are opening at Baltimore. I watched exactly one at bat. All I had to see was Johnny Damon to know that baseball should still be considered in critical danger... Well, At Least I'm In Good Company- April 5, 2004 I've mentioned before my desire to see the Supreme Court look only to the US Constitution for guidance, not foreign court rulings. Apparently, Antonin Scalia feels the same way. I like that we have at least one justice who recognizes... Cultural Relativism- April 4, 2004 A few days back, Beth Donovan posted a list over at We The People, entitled What this convservative stands for. Jack at Random Fate has taken the list and posted his own point-counterpoint list: What this Centrist stands for. All... What do Moroccans Have Against Spain- April 4, 2004 Spain is holding 15 people, most of them Moroccan, over the March 11 attacks. Plus, a least one of the four to partake in today's group suicide was Moroccan. And several other Moroccans are being sought in connection with 311.... Negotiation Is The Best Alternative - Always...- April 4, 2004 And reap his old reward: The blame those ye better, And the hate of those ye guard- Rudyard Kipling - The White Man's Burden Is it really possible to negotiate with everyone Think these folks would understand any sort of... The American Western Phalanx- April 4, 2004 I always find it interesting how over time, some things simply remain as effective today as they were thousands of years ago. Today's example is a formation the Greeks used to protect themselves from archers during the initial approach to... The Oppression Of Freedom- April 1, 2004 Main Entry: oppression Pronunciation: &-'pre-sh&n Function: noun 1 a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power b : something that oppresses especially in being an unjust or excessive exercise of power Main Entry: freedom Pronunciation: 'frE-d&m Function: noun... |