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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for March 2004

The Noble Pundit

<br>Avoiding the PC police since early 2003.<br><br> Plus, my thoughts on the world!

No Posting Tonight - March 31, 2004

I'm still alive, just too tired to post right now. I'm trying to work on a little something right now, but I don't know how that's going to end up. In the meantime, go over and read the comments here...

Senate Democrats Take Stand On Judges - March 29, 2004

Senate Democrats Take Stand on Judges When I saw the headline, I had such high hopes. Maybe they have taken a stand against activist judges usurping the proper role of Congress. Or maybe they had tired of the holes in...

There Is A Silver Lining Here - March 28, 2004

I'm sure that there are a large number of people who are snickering at the collapse of the Arab League Summit. And it does have a decent "what were they thinking" snicker factor involved. But at the same time, as...

If Appeasement Works, Why The Fear - March 28, 2004

Luxor Air Banned From Flying in France Now I'd certainly be concerned if a MD-83 (which is actually a fairly small airplane - holds about 140 people and flies relatively short range routes) came flying over downtown Orlando at 660...

The State of Arab Democracy There's Such A Thing - March 28, 2004

The AP has out a wonderful article, A Glance at State of Arab Democracy. Arab Democracy What the.... Such an animal exists So I decided to take a little closer look. Here's the scary thought: Algeria is the closest to...
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