Vinton NewsLocal news for Vinton, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tell me what's special about the places we've lost- June 29, 2008 What bothers me most about arriving in Cedar Rapids the week of the flood is that I've missed so much of what makes this community and this region special. Full flood recovery info- June 27, 2008 Your main source of information comes on three 24-hour help lines: 286-5770; 739-0586; 211 . Flood cleanup continues Saturday in Vinton- June 25, 2008 Volunteers in Vinton are working to cleanup what the floods left behind, but the town is in something of a unique situation. Evacuation in City of Vinton- June 11, 2008 Due to flood conditions, citizens residing in an area including everything along and north of 3rd Street from E Avenue, east to 3rd Avenue; and north of 4th St. Vinton Updates Road Closures- June 11, 2008 The information below comes from Vinton police: Vinton police are informing all residents of Vinton, and the immediate area of road closings due to flood waters: Highway 1501st Avenue in Vinton WILL CLOSE TO ... Severe weather moving through Eastern Iowa again- June 9, 2008 Strong thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes or at least destructive winds are moving through Linn, Johnson and other counties in Eastern Iowa early this evening. Scattered heavy rains may reverse rivers' ebb- June 7, 2008 An unsettled week could slow or even reverse Eastern Iowa rivers' ebb from weekend crests that closed some roads and forced some residents from low-lying neighborhoods. Cedar River expected to crest below flood stage in Vinton- June 5, 2008 Barring any more rain, the Cedar River is expected to crest below flood stage. At 10:30, the river had reached 14.5 feet, just shy of flood stage, which is 15 feet. By Dean Close- Times Editor- June 3, 2008 While there was historic destruction caused in Iowa by a storm system that blew through the state over Memorial Day weekend, Vinton area residents reported virtually no damage. |