Vincent NewsLocal news for Vincent, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Sewer customers dispute county's ne.....- May 28, 2008 Statistics for April: A Water used by Barlow-Vincent area, Lewis Pointe and Oxbow subdivisions: 1,422,300 gallons. Residents vent over school closings- May 26, 2008 Some say other cuts could have been made to save money When Bartlett and Cutler Elementary students exit their school buildings on June 3, it won't just be for the summer. For women, it's heart-unfriendly Toledo; risk factors sink the area in a health ranking- May 20, 2008 "I think we are making inroads." Toledoans: We need to have a heart to heart. A study has its finger on the pulse of the area's heart health - and women could be the ones in danger of missing a beat. via Toledo Blade Ralph Amando Cuzzolini- May 18, 2008 ASHLAND -- Ralph Amando Cuzzolini, 84, died Tuesday, May 13, 2008, in Grant Medical Center. via News Journal Recession Proof- May 1, 2008 "We think we're safe from certain things because we live in Southeast Ohio" There has been both good and bad news in terms of local industry. That's better than in previous years, when plant closings were happening at the rate of at least one a year. via WTAP-TV Parkersburg |