Stone Creek NewsLocal news for Stone Creek, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.1. Accident results in citation- November 23, 2007 Travis L. Harding Miller, 18, 4321 Buehler Rd., Stone Creek, was treated in Akron City Hospital for injuries he sustained in a one-vehicle accident Monday at 11:20 a.m. on Country Rd. via The Times-Reporter Venison donations support food pantries- November 16, 2007 "That will make about 40,000 meals" It's rare to receive meat from area food pantries, and Pastor Mark Granger said the recent efforts of local churches and organizations are welcomed. via Central Ohio 4. Long way home - 106-year-old diploma discovered behind picture returned to family- November 7, 2007 "I never saw her mad at anybody." The 106-year-old high school diploma of Carrie A. Brown is back in her old home on the South Side of New Philadelphia after an absence of at least a quarter of a century. via The Times-Reporter |