Aurora NewsLocal news for Aurora, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Samantha Ronson Setting Lindsay Lohan Straight- June 30, 2008 Okay excuse the pun on their rumoured relationship, however, it does appear that Samantha Ronson is helping to straighten out Lindsay's life. Aurora tops Portage again in grad test- June 28, 2008 The Aurora School District continues to lead Portage County districts in Ohio Graduation Test results for exams administered in March 2008. Solon Police Blotter- June 26, 2008 DRUG ABUSE, ANDRE LANE: An Andre man was arrested Friday after police reportedly found three bags of cocaine and dozens of pain pills in his garage. Double Rainbow in Aurora, OH- June 24, 2008 This double rainbow was captured right above Toscano's Restaurant in Aurora, Ohio on Saturday night. Geauga Lake auctions off an era of thrills- June 23, 2008 AURORA, Ohio -- Twenty thousand dollars ... $10,000 ... $7,500. The auctioneer's asking price plummeted like a car down the coaster's 65-foot main hill.It came to rest yesterday not to the delighted screams of ... View more photos- June 21, 2008 Ralph Plumpton, of RP Motors of Akron, bids on the Space Tower at Geauga Lake on Tuesday, June 17, 2008, in Aurora, Ohio. David Giffels: Geauga Lake's rides sold at auction- June 19, 2008 After generations of nostalgia, months of speculation and a sharp-tongued moment of contention, it all came down to just a minute or two of bidding. Rides from closed Ohio amusement park to be auctioned- June 17, 2008 AURORA, Ohio - The childhood memories of many Ohioans are being offered to the highest bidder. McCain, Obama sweeping up area donations- June 16, 2008 Aurora Mayor Lynn McGill is a life-long Republican who has never before voted for a Democrat. The economy: Is your favorite store closing Check here- June 14, 2008 Summertime, and the livin' isn't easy this year, as retail chains close hundreds of stores, putting thousands of employees out of work at a time when a paycheck is more important than ever. |