Ted Ritzer: NetMediaNet content worth watching(Untitled)- December 3, 2004 Open Source Multimedia Center For Windows. An anonymous reader writes "A new opensourced multimedia center for Windows has been released. Media Portal boasts the ability to turn your PC into an advanced HTPC (Home-Theatre PC) and PVRDVR (PersonalDigital Video Recorder). It allows you to listen to your favorite music and radio, watch all your video's and DVD's, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. The software is a port of the homebrew Xbox Media Center software which requires a...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/netradio/2004/12/02.html#a3867 (Untitled)- December 3, 2004 Podcasting mechanics. After I posted yesterday's audio interview, Paul Schaeflein wrote to point out that I ought to be using RSS 2.0 enclosures in my feed so that enclosure-aware aggregators can download media objects. ... Jon's Radiohttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/netradio/2004/12/02.html#a3866 (Untitled)- December 3, 2004 Personal soundtracks. Online: Ben Hammersley on how audio programming led to the rapid spread of the podcasting phenomenon. Guardian Unlimitedhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/netradio/2004/12/02.html#a3863 (Untitled)- December 3, 2004 BBC: Blog picked as word of the year. Slow news day. Scripting Newshttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/netradio/2004/12/02.html#a3857 Google Local is sooo cooool- December 2, 2004 Google Local. Better than the yellow pages Cool Tools like the man says, my wife and I like East Indian food, typed in that put in our city, Edmonton, Alberta and bingo bango a map with a list of East Indian food restraunts. I will never let my fingers do the walknig again!!!!YAHOO FOR GOOGLE LOCAL!!!http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/netradio/2004/12/01.html#a3853 |