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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for December 2004

Ted Ritzer: Gaeaidealog

ideas for a better planet

(Untitled) - December 3, 2004

Water Blogs Update. In winding my way through email from the past few weeks, I find that several people sent URLs to help Linda in her quest to find blogs devoted to the topic of water and the environment. Amazingly, out of the eight emails I received, there was only one duplicate URL. Major score to the blogosphere, and muchos gracias to everyone that responded! For the Google cache record, here are the links folks sent...

(Untitled) - December 3, 2004

BBC: Blog picked as word of the year. Slow news day. Scripting News

Google Local is sooo cooool - December 2, 2004

Google Local. Better than the yellow pages Cool Tools like the man says, my wife and I like East Indian food, typed in that put in our city, Edmonton, Alberta and bingo bango a map with a list of East Indian food restraunts. I will never let my fingers do the walknig again!!!!YAHOO FOR GOOGLE LOCAL!!!
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