Ted Ritzer: RSSthe latest & greatest on RSS(Untitled)- December 29, 2003 MobileRSS. Keith Hurwitz wrote me and said that MobileRSS is "freakishly cool." mobileRSS is specifically designed for small PDA screens, works within your browser (thus requiring no software downloads or upgrades), and stores all your settings and feeds online (thus using no memory on your device).Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Webloghttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/29.html#a3795 (Untitled)- December 29, 2003 My Yahoo in RSS!. 2 Announcing a new experimental service. My Yahoo to RSS converts modules personalized at http:my.yahoo.com into RSS feeds. At... Disruptive Technologyhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/29.html#a3792 (Untitled)- December 24, 2003 Merry Christmas from the Accordian Guy worth repeating: Stole this file from the above site, cause I think it really does capture some of both the frustration and the joy of Xmas. All the best from WIFLblog and enjoy the Accordian Guy's Christmas story, and don't forget to visit his site: the Accordian Guy Christmas story now follows: Merry Christmas, and I mean it in the nice sense of the phrase by Joey deVilla on December 24, 2003 12:13PM (EST) This is from last year (with a little...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/24.html#a3748 (Untitled)- December 23, 2003 RSS Greatest Hits. Oh Great LazyWeb Hear My Prayer: An RSS aggregator that converts text to speech and saves the resulting audio in Original article: RSS Greatest Hits... Meerkat: An Open Wire Servicehttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/22.html#a3721 (Untitled)- December 22, 2003 RSS Winterfest is a two-day conference, Jan 21-22, for people who use RSS. An audio conference that you participate in over the telephone. No charge, but registration is required. Should be very interesting. I'm doing the opening session, from a conference room at Harvard Law School, with people who are using RSS, and we'll talk about what they want to do with RSS, what they like about today's software, what they don't like; products and services they might want to buy. How do you feel about...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/22.html#a3715 (Untitled)- December 20, 2003 Kaye Trammel asks what RSS can do for you, and almost nails it. It's true you are being generous by publishing what you write in RSS; and it does make it easier for the reader, but you get something in return -- commitment. A person who subscribes to your weblog is saying they want a permanent relationship, they want to read everything you say. Someone who doesn't subscribe comes when they remember, or when someone else points to you. Not much commitment there. BTW, a subscription doesn't mean..http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/20.html#a3703 (Untitled)- December 18, 2003 Utah Legislative News now available as in RSS. The Utah Legislature has created an RSS channel with general interest news items including notices of the Legislature's Interim Newsletter, audit results and other significant content changes on their website. They envision many other uses for RSS in the future. I am really excited about this development. We now have quite a few RSS channels, including utah. gov news, Utah business news, the Governor's news, Utah library news,...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/18.html#a3663 (Untitled)- December 18, 2003 La Fing interviews Chris Pirillo and JY Stervinou about RSS. Scripting Newshttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/18.html#a3661 (Untitled)- December 17, 2003 Top 10 reasons why RSS rules. ";->" Scripting Newshttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/16.html#a3622 (Untitled)- December 17, 2003 RSS + BitTorrent= Answer to Bandwidth Woes. It's obvious that peer-to-peer is the answer for people who want to give away great Internet content without losing their... Dan Gillmor's eJournalhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/rss/2003/12/16.html#a3621 |