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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for January 2004

Ted Ritzer: LifeSense

Healthy 21st Century Living

(Untitled) - January 6, 2004

Smiling makes you happy. An interesting theory that facial expressions affect blood-flow to the brain and are not just results of emotions. The assertion is that these blood-flows affect our emotions. So SMILE! :-) Zajonc, R. B., Emotion and Facial Efference: A Theory Reclaimed, Scince, 1985, 288, 15-2 He also asserted that elation follows the smile, not the opposite. The blood flow changes caused by contracting the facial muscles in the smile alter cerebral blood flow and cause an emotional..

LifeSense-Healthy 21st Century Living - January 6, 2004

LifeSense Just before Xmas my mother went into hospital, slipped into a coma and died last week. After attending the funeral, and a very long drive home I have started to re-evaluate my lifestyle. Both my parents were smokers, my dad died of lung cancer at 86, and my mother just died at age 81. She was a chain smoker most of her life, and her life was negatively effected by this stuipid habit. 17 years ago both my wife and I quit smoking, but since then I have not really done much to live...
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