Swanquarter NewsLocal news for Swanquarter, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Spot fire empties more homes in Hyde- June 12, 2008 As winds whipped up by a thunderstorm pushed a wildfire deeper into the northeast edges of the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday, a spot fire on the southern end triggered an evacuation of about ...http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/spot-fire-empties-more-homes-in-hyde?from... Evacuations issued for two Hyde County communities- June 11, 2008 CLICK ON WDN LINK TO READ ALL http:www.wdnweb.comarticles20080611newsnews01.txt WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2008 Local News Evacuations issued for two Hyde County communities By DAN PARSONS For the ninth day, firefighters battled shifting winds, soaring temperatures and lighting strikes in their efforts to contain the Evans Road fire, which as of Tuesday had consumed 40,195 acres in three eastern North Carolina counties. It is now the largest active wildfire in the United States, according to forestry.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/http-www-wdnweb-com-articles-2008-06-11-n... Smoke blankets area: Wildfire growing, moving east- June 11, 2008 "This morning the smoke from the Evans Road Fire in Eastern North Carolina is lofting off to the east-southeast from the fire location and impacting much of southern Tyrrell County, northern Hyde County, and a large portion of Dare County," said North Carolina Division of Air Quality meteorologist George Bridgers, on Monday. "Visibility is currently degraded at the reporting stations at Manteo and Cape Hatteras along the smoke's path. This is a very good indication that the smoke is at...http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/smoke-blankets-area-wildfire-growing-movi... Wildfire Burns 1,700 Acres In Hyde County In Eastern N.C.- June 10, 2008 Hyde County emergency officials said a wildfire has burned at least 1,700 acres in the eastern North Carolina county.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/wildfire-burns-1-700-acres-in-hyde-county... N.C. wildfire exceeds 32,000 acres- June 10, 2008 The wildfire that burned through the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge continues to spread north and east this morning, a forestry official said.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/n-c-wildfire-exceeds-32-000-acres-2?fromr... N.C. wildfire exceeds 32,000 acres- June 9, 2008 The wildfire that burned through the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge continues to spread north and east this morning, forestry officials say.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/n-c-wildfire-exceeds-32-000-acres?fromrss... Crews continue to battle wildfire at eastern NC refuge :: WRAL.com- June 9, 2008 Fire crews plan to continue building containment lines around a massive wildfire that is burning in a sparsely inhabited rural area of eastern North Carolina.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/crews-continue-to-battle-wildfire-at-east... Officials worry winds may fan NC wildfire- June 8, 2008 Firefighters are worried that stronger winds Sunday may fan a wildfire that has already burned more than 31,000 acres of dry land in a national wildlife refuge area, a forestry official said.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/06/officials-worry-winds-may-fan-nc-wildfire... |