Swanquarter NewsLocal news for Swanquarter, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Memories of our state- July 5, 2008 In 1933, a magazine called The State was started to help North Carolinians appreciate the state where they were born, grew up or raised their families.http://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/07/memories-of-our-state?fromrss=1 Hyde County crops needs rain- July 2, 2008 Farmers need rain if their crops aren't going to be a near-total write-off, and it should be here soon, a federal meteorologist said. Read all about it in the award-winning Washington Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/swanquarter-nc/2008/07/hyde-county-crops-needs-rain?fromrss=1 |