Artesia NewsLocal news for Artesia, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Airline head takes aim at area political leaders- June 30, 2008 The gloves have come off in the dispute that has been percolating for months between New Mexico Airlines' chief executive officer and Carlsbad leaders. Union: Border patrol has lowered standards too much- June 28, 2008 The Border Patrol agents' union is criticizing hiring and training shortcuts they say the agency is making as it seeks to double in size before President Bush leaves office. Brantley water levels back to near three-year high- June 27, 2008 What a difference a week makes! Water levels at Brantley Reservoir now are at their highest in almost three years, state park officials said. Seven Rivers Pipeline project done year after start- June 25, 2008 The New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission's Seven Rivers Pipeline project has been completed - one year after the project was started. NMDOT bridge repair underway in county- June 23, 2008 Current-Argus Staff Writer CARLSBAD - A bridge on US Highway 285 south of Malaga has been deemed in bad shape and has been scheduled for repair by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. Pioneer picked- June 21, 2008 According to Webster's Dictionary, a pioneer is 'one of the first to settle in a territory', and for several years, the city of Portales has honored its pioneers during Heritage Days. FINANCING & INVESTING- June 19, 2008 FINANCE NEWS TOP STORIES Mezzanine Capital Despite credit woes roiling the markets, most mezzanine energy-capital providers expect no slowdown in demand for their financing. Sateg a earns national recognition- June 17, 2008 In 1978, Phil Sategna returned to his native Bloomfield to take on a coaching job at Mesa Alta Junior High, never looking beyond the next track meet. Girl recounts harrowing escape from abductor- June 15, 2008 Reyna Mendoza has scratches on her face and the rest of her body from the escape "We're gonna tie you up. It was a great Carlsbad weekend- June 13, 2008 Last Sunday afternoon, a crowd of more than a thousand, most of them teenagers, rocked out as Christian music sensation Skillet performed live at the Walter Gerrells Performing Arts Centre. |