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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for June 2008

The Future of Work Weblog

The official blog for the Future of Work Community.

Visit here regularly for ongoing reports and conversations related to the changing nature of work. Our goal is to foster community, conversation, and mutual learning about the future of work and the forces driving change.

We welcome thoughtful, focused comments in response to any postings on this weblog. To add a comment, please sign in with your Typekey registration key. If you don't have a...

Will the Web Finally Begin Substituting for Travel - June 24, 2008

I think we may be at a tipping point. The rising price of gasoline and other energy appears to finally be affecting people's actual behaviors - on the job and off. There's growing evidence that sales of gas-guzzling SUV's and...

Do You Know What Facebook Could Mean to Your Business - June 18, 2008

I sure don't. It's an incredibly important phenomenon, and something I'm convinced is going to be a central part of the future of work - and of business. So if you are as ignorant as I am about what Facebook...

A Question About Collaborative Technologies and IT Support - June 18, 2008

No, I haven't left the country or abandoned this blog. The unfortunate truth is that I've been on the road for the past eight or nine weeks, and just haven't found the time to post more regularly. My apologies. But...
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