washingtonpost.com - Digital CamerasDigital CamerasBrought to Digital Life- April 24, 2005 Digital technology is radically changing the 165-year-old photography industry, creating turmoil and excitement as people buy digital cameras at rates far exceeding industry projections. -Leslie Walkerhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9679-2004Dec18.html?nav=rss_technology/pers... Fast Forward: Digital Cameras- April 24, 2005 Rob Pegoraro talks about The Post's annual review of digital cameras.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A36407-2003Jun9.html?nav=rss_technology/pers... The Digicam Memory Circus- April 24, 2005 CompactFlash or Memory Stick Secure Digital or xD If you're shopping for a digital camera, prepare to get familiar with these terms. -The Washington Posthttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60428-2003May30.html?nav=rss_technology/per... SLR Flexibility Goes Digital- April 24, 2005 Canon's new EOS Digital Rebel is the first "single lens reflex" digicam to sell for under $1,000. That means professional photographic power at prices that consumers can stomach. - The Washington Posthttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38194-2003Sep20.html?nav=rss_technology/per... Low-Cost Digicams: Point, Shoot And Shudder- April 24, 2005 Can cheap, tiny digital cameras do for photography in the 21st century what cheap, tiny film cameras did in the last century We tried three new cameras with low, low prices to see if the Instamatic of digital cameras has arrived yet.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60268-2003May30.html?nav=rss_technology/per... New Camcorders Put Tape on Notice- April 24, 2005 Panasonic's D-Snap SV-AV100 and the Fisher FVD-C1 CameraCorder can untie you from tape, instead using postage-stamp-size SD Cards to record video. -The Washington Posthttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A295-2004Jan31.html?nav=rss_technology/perso... A Place for Film In the Digital Age- April 24, 2005 If you have a choice of film or digital, is there any reason to go with chemicals instead of a computer chip -Rob Pegorarohttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60430-2003May30.html?nav=rss_technology/per... Digital SLRs Around $1,000- April 24, 2005 Digital single-lens-reflex cameras -- D-SLRs for short -- aren't quite a consumer-priced product yet, but these highly accurate, exceptionally flexible machines also no longer rank as a techno-luxury.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58540-2004May1.html?nav=rss_technology/pers... A Few Shades Short of a Masterpiece- April 24, 2005 Apple Computer's iPhoto accomplishes many objectives, and now two programs for Windows make their own contributions.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19054-2003Feb28.html?nav=rss_technology/per... No Picture-Perfect Option- April 24, 2005 Digital cameras small enough to smuggle in a shirt pocket have been a reality for years. But tiny digicams that actually take good pictures are a recent development. -The Washington Posthttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A10789-2004Jul24.html?nav=rss_technology/per... |