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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for June 2005

The Grid Computing Weblog

The Grid Computing Weblog

Grid and utility computing on government radar - June 30, 2005

"Witnessing an Evolution" is an intro article on the Government Technology magazine's site. Two US state projects are mentioned, the San Diego Supercomputer Center's work on making terabytes of survey and map data accessible, and the Global Grid Exchange in West Virginia which aims to offer utility support for business in the state. The article suggests the term "the grid" has "inherent Orwellian overtones", but perhaps some things are just in the eye of the...

Best of WIN - June 29, 2005

The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find lots more links after the jump. Enjoy! The Download Squads Victor Agreda, Jr. offers tidbits from iTunes 4.9 and praises Easy PDF Converter. David Chartier explains why his browser of choice is Camino. Marc.

LAMP goes Gridlike - June 28, 2005

The word "grid" is heavily overloaded, and ActiveGrid's usage may not please the pedant, at first sight they're talking about clustering. However, on closer examination their ActiveGrid Application Server does have interesting characteristics, and in some respects does crossover into the purist's definition. Their architecture is built on the popular open source LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PerlPythonPHP)&160; on commodity computers, but a significant addition is their use.

The Best of Weblogs, Inc. - June 22, 2005

The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 80 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find lots more links after the jump. Enjoy! Engadget's J.D. Lasica interviews Orb Network CEO Jim Behrens, offers a how-to on accessing iTunes from a cellphone, and reveals that Japan has plans for a Robot Moon Base,.
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