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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for January 2007

The .NET Sweatshop (v2)

"My life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can." - George Bernard Shaw

Microsoft: Open 24 Hours - January 11, 2007

I've always joked to my wife that if I wasn't married, I'd probably get a cot and sleep at Microsoft on the nights when I really got into my work.  Well, thanks to the latest Seattle weather debacle, I ended up doing an all-nighter at Microsoft.  Herein lies 16-hours in the life of a Microsoftie that should have been home with his wife and kid... 4:00pm - While chatting with my administrative assistant Paige about hardware budgets, I notice an e-mail from my wife with a mention of...

The game of 'Tag' in the 21st Century - January 8, 2007

OK, apparently there's this meme thing going around where people are tagging one another to find out five things that most readers wouldn't know about the blogger.  I think it's a pretty cool idea and now that I've been tagged by three people (Andrew Connell, Chris Kinsman, and Alan Griver--thanks guys!), I guess it's time for my five things.  Since I constantly mention my sports fanaticism and my "holy trinity" of the Baltimore Orioles, Tennessee Titans, and Georgetown Hoyas,...
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