Stone Mountain NewsLocal news for Stone Mountain, GA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Vernon Jones Your Next Ga. Senator- July 8, 2008 Vernon Jones attended a Supporter Rally in South Gwinnett County,in the Promised Land Community on Sunday.Over a hundred people didn't let a 25 minute rainstorm stop them from showing their support. Atlanta's fireworks options sparkle- July 7, 2008 In keeping with the No. 4 in July 4, here are four lists of four things you should know for Independence Day. Stone Mountain Lasershow Will Wow the Geeklets- July 4, 2008 In the suburbs of Atlanta , there is a natural wonder with a storied history and a very unique ecosystem. Former City Attorney Shot At Coffeehouse- July 4, 2008 A gunman walked into a crowded Starbucks in southwest Atlanta and opened fire on attorney Clifford Hardwick IV Wednesday night. Youngsters new to America enjoy Braves game- July 4, 2008 They learned the tomahawk chop and the wave. As for who was playing or who was ahead at Wednesday's Phillies-Braves game at Turner Field, they weren't sure. Do You Want To Become A Citizen Journalist For Your Community - Topix- July 4, 2008 How would you like to be a news reporter for your community.Obviously you have watched your local news anchors as they read from their teleprompts.Well known news personalities find their way into your home ... Stone Mountain: Down but not out- July 2, 2008 STONERIFIC: Although park events such as Lasershow Spectacular overshadow Stone Mountain, the city hopes to capitalize on the park's tourism benefits. 1 driver dead, 1 critical after head-on crash- July 2, 2008 A head-on collision in DeKalb County during Wednesday afternoon rush hour traffic left one man dead and a woman in critical condition. Unleashed dog led to slaying at park, court told- July 2, 2008 A bucolic park where people, but not dogs, can roam free was the scene for years of skirmishes between two of its patrons that ended last year with one of their deaths. GA Who believes Deputy Yancey didn't murder Linda & Marcial- July 1, 2008 IT APPEARS HIS ACCOUNT OF THE INCIDENT IS BEING QUESTIONED... I can't say who did what, but besides his own attorney, & by the third day after the killings of Linda & Marcial, there appears to be no one ... |