Stone Ridge NewsLocal news for Stone Ridge, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.UCCC will hold info sessions on nursing program- February 28, 2008 STONE RIDGE - Ulster County Community College will hold information sessions about its nursing degree program on Tuesdays in March. via Poughkeepsie Journal What's happening- February 26, 2008 WHERE: Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge and Business Resource Center, town of Ulster DETAILS: UCCC announces its spring schedule of express sSemester courses, with 1-3 college credits completed in ... via Daily Freeman Writing life unscripted- February 24, 2008 "We've gotten so specialized in this society, and I think it's really a bad thing." In Stone Ridge, far away from the bustle of Los Angeles and tonight's televised Academy Awards, a screenwriter who already has proven herself in theater is working to do the same in film. via Daily Freeman Landy's vision: Iconic photos see new light in exhibit- February 22, 2008 "It was a member of the audience" Interviewed in his rambling Woodstock workshop, Elliott Landy said his collection of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Van and Jim Morrison photos is sort of like money in the bank. via Daily Freeman Ulster college offers fast-track courses- February 20, 2008 STONE RIDGE - Ulster County Community College has announced its spring schedule of ExpresSemester courses. via Poughkeepsie Journal Local runners race up Empire State Building- February 18, 2008 "Whenever he sees a picture of the (Empire State) building in school" One thousand, five hundred and seventy-six steps. Eighty-six flights. One-fifth of a mile - straight up. via Poughkeepsie Journal |