Stone Lake NewsLocal news for Stone Lake, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Right to Farm case prompts legislation- February 26, 2008 A Wisconsin state legislative committee last week approved a bill that would limit the authority of the state Department of Justice in public nuisance cases. via The Country Today Habenicht hearing set for Feb. 25- February 18, 2008 Barring a change of heart, a Rhinelander man accused of driving a boat while drunk, killing the passenger of another boat, will enter either a guilty or no contest plea later this month. via The Forest Republican State drops nuisance lawsuit- February 16, 2008 "We started without the state, and we'll finish without the state" Wisconsin's right-to-farm law was supported last week when the state appellate court upheld a decision favoring a Sawyer County cranberry grower and with the announcement that the state wouldn't pursue more ... via The Country Today Making Monkeys & Merriment- February 14, 2008 "People look at the whole line of cards and you can hear them laughing. Dee is very clever." In her studio in Stone Lake, Wis., Dee Lindner cuts a stack of red-heeled work socks into pieces that will become gangly arms and legs, oversized ears and rosy-red lips for traditional handmade sock monkeys. via American Profile Appellate court upholds Musky Bay lawsuit dismissal- February 12, 2008 The Wisconsin District Court of Appeals in Wausau on Tuesday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by some Sawyer County lakeshore owners against Stone Lake area cranberry grower William Zawistowski Jr. via Sawyer County Record - Hayward, WI Landowners' attorney says they're not done fighting cranberry lawsuit- February 10, 2008 "That's the issue that's unresolved, and we are going to be asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to review the Court of Appeals' decision. "It's a travesty that Wisconsin lakes have no protection from phosphorus discharge" A group of Sawyer County, Wis., lakeshore owners who earlier this week lost their nuisance lawsuit appeal against a local cranberry grower aren't throwing in the towel, according to their Twin Cities attorney. via The Country Today Arrowhead-Weston Transmission Line Energized- February 8, 2008 "To say that this is an achievement would be an understatement" Randy Satterfield, 608-877-3646 American Transmission Co. energized the completed 220-mile, 345-kilovolt Arrowhead-Weston transmission line linking Wausau, Wis., and Duluth, Minn. via PR-inside.com Stone Lake residents consider co-op grocery- February 7, 2008 Will LaBreche Web EditorStaff WriterPhotographer Last Updated: Wednesday, February 6th, 2008 10:34:59 AM If sufficient up-front financing is raised, the citizens of Stone Lake could see a new cooperative ... via Sawyer County Record - Hayward, WI |