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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2005

Books: The Politics of War Chapter Two - January 30, 2005

Note: Reclamation of post to my dKos diary. Chapter 2 of The Politics of War details how, in response to popular fury against economic and political corruption, President Cleveland tried to take the country to war with England.  His ambition would be thwarted, but the issue of rebellious insurgents in Cuba would be waiting in the wings for another president inclined to distract the people from their domestic fantasies. It was in Februray of 1895 that the revolt that would eventually lead...

Books: The Politics of War Introduction - January 30, 2005

Note: Part of my writings aggregation project. First post on The Politics of War in my dKos diary. In the August 2003 issue of Harper's Lewis Lapham used a brief discussion of the fiasco in Iraq (and its hoodwinking casus belli) to recommend a book and bring to light some of the facts that led to an even more deplorable foreign boondoggle; the Spanish-American war.  The book is The Politics of War by Walter Karp. As Lapham so ably notes: The Politics of War brings to bear the clarity of...

Books: The Politics of War Chapter One - January 30, 2005

Note: In the four years I've been blogging, I've contributed to a number of different sites, both my own and others, but never kept a single storehouse of all my various writings. Some are clearly lost in the ether, but I hope to find and aggregate as many as I can here. Some, like those on PolState I'm content to leave where they are, but others like this one from my Daily Kos diary, I'd like to keep. There are two other posts on this book that I posted to my diary that seem to have...
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