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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for December 2003

Saddam and The Tower of Babble - December 15, 2003

Saddam Hussein has been captured alive. More than thirteen years after he and his bloody invasion laid waste to our Kuwaiti stability, the evil dictator was caught hiding out in a subterranean cavity. The mighty and rich one looked like...

Another vignette from the Annals of National (In)security - December 9, 2003 According to the above news article, "Thailand prepared to cremate more than 1,000 giant cockroaches - and then hold a traditional Buddhist funeral to appease their owners." I rest my case that my idea for becoming the "Official Roachbuster...

Jingle Bells - December 8, 2003

Ye Olde Christmas Tree went up last night. Well, two-thirds of it did. It turns out that our home does not have enough free surface area to house an entire tree. I'm getting older, and am moving into smaller and...
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