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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for November 2006

Before, After, Forevermore - November 29, 2006

Before, After, ForevermoreThe three products inaugurating Elizabeth Hepburns Better & Better Series, are filling a unique and valuable niche. The first two volumes of this DVDCD series, which feature inspiring music, gorgeous scenery and guided meditations, are designed to promote the optimal results from surgical procedures and the subsequent recuperation period. Volume 3, In the Lap of Luxury, was created for anyone desiring to sustain good health throughout life. Volume 1) Pre-Surgery...

Beautiful Bears - November 17, 2006

Beautiful BearsI was riffling through a Wildlife Preservation Magazine. This particular issue had award-winning photographs of various creatures in their natural habitat. They were all spectacular, but there was one that was irresistible to me. I was totally captivated by the picture ofa polar bear and her pup in a snowy mountain landscape framed with feathery evergreen boughs. I found myself returning so often to gaze at it, that I decided to order a print. I called the magazine and they gave..

Imagine - November 4, 2006

ImagineThe plane crash in Manhattan yesterday certainly did not recapture the horror of five years ago, but at first impact, it was a stunning reminder. The sentiments in the following article continue to be useful, and I feel that ground zero and all that occurred there and all the lives that were shattered at that time still deserve our compassionate concern. This is what I wrote at that time:I had earmarked Tuesday morning, September 11th, to complete this column. For weeks I'd been jotting..
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