The Sheila Variations"This race and this country and this life produced me, he said. I shall express myself as I am." -- James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManThe Books: "Winner Of The National Book Award: A Novel of Fame, Honor, and Really Bad Weather" (Jincy Willett)- July 6, 2008 Next book on my adult fiction bookshelf for the Daily Book Excerpt: Winner of the National Book Award: A Novel of Fame, Honor, and Really Bad Weather, by Jincy Willett I am so glad I discovered this book. And Jincy... Another day, another meme- July 4, 2008 Got this from Ted: Five snacks I enjoy in a perfect, non weight-gaining world: Cheese cake Chips and salsa Choclate ice cream with chocolate jimmies Cheese and crackers Pita and hummus Five snacks I enjoy in the real world: Yeah,... The Books: "Scoop" (Evelyn Waugh)- July 4, 2008 Next book on my adult fiction bookshelf for the Daily Book Excerpt: Scoop, by Evelyn Waugh I read this book because of Christopher Hitchens' review of it, I think in The Atlantic. Hitchens' review made me laugh out loud, so... July 4, 1826- July 4, 2008 It was the 50th anniversary of July 4, 1776. Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had been invited to attend huge celebrations in honor of the anniversary, but due to illness - both had sent their regrets and also best... One word only, one word only, come on, big baby, come on- July 3, 2008 Questions to be answered with one word only - and no word can be used twice. (got this from Cullen) 1. Where is your cell phone Purse 2. Your significant other Hitachi 3. Your hair Graying 4. Your mother Amazing... Today in History: July 3, 1776- July 3, 2008 John Adams, in a July 3, 1776 letter to Abigail, after the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 2 in Philadelphia: The Delay of this Declaration to this Time, has many great Advantages attending it. The Hopes of... Worlds colliding ...- July 3, 2008 ... in Fresno. Beautiful.... The Books: "Decline and Fall" (Evelyn Waugh)- July 3, 2008 Next book on my adult fiction bookshelf for the Daily Book Excerpt: Decline and Fall, by Evelyn Waugh I just read this book a month or so ago (thoughts about it here). It made me laugh out loud. From page... At long last: William Holden- July 2, 2008 That project I have kept alluding to over the past 2 or 3 weeks: My William Holden tribute is up at House Next Door! Go check it out!... "And I will create toilets in French camping sites ..."- July 2, 2008 Eddie Izzard on God creating the world. (I adore how God continues to be James Mason.)... |