Art Deco Society of WashingtonEvents, preservation news, and other updates from the Art Deco Society of Washington.1940's Vintage Hair Styling Workshop- June 19, 2008 August 16, 2008, 1:30 - 4:00 PM At the Home of ADSW President, Dana Ott, 503 Park Street NE, Vienna, Virginia Do you have a great vintage dress but need tips on what to do with your hair ADSW member Lori Crandall, Air Force veteran, custom jewelry designer, and swing dancer, will provide instructions on how to achieve that 1940s style with todays hair products and tools, using a live model! Tour the Library of American Broadcasting- June 8, 2008 July 12, 2008, 12:30 - 2:30 PM Library of American Broadcasting, Hornbake Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MarylandTour guide Mike Henry will discuss the history of the library and its resources, and show us the collection. Radio broadcasts and short films from the period will be played. Octavine Illustration- June 8, 2008 Retro images based on the Art Deco form |