Microsoft's war against Google - Yi-Wyn Yen, CNN (Fortune)- June 30, 2008 Threatened by Google's growing power, Microsoft goes after Google's new ad pact with Yahoo. Microsoft is pushing hard to stop Google from teaming up with Yahoo now that the software giant has given up on acquiring the tarnished Internet portal. But antitrust lawyers and technology analysts outside the case don't think Ballmer & Co. has much of a prayer at stopping the deal from going through. Study: Four in Five Business PCs not Fully Secured - Andy Patrizio, eSecurity Planet- June 30, 2008 Security firm Sophos ran a 40-day test of visiting computers from corporate users, and the results aren't pretty. Four in five of the machines checked were lacking in at least one area of security. The Sophos Endpoint Assessment Test scans were voluntary and only applied to people visiting from a corporate site, as Sophos' specialty is business protection, not consumer security. The scan covered Seven problems with the new iPhone - Christopher Null, Buzz up!on Yahoo!- June 30, 2008 The new iPhone hasn't even landed in stores yet, but already pundits are grumbling about the revised iPhone, based on demos and published specs, about what the new model has failed to fix since the first-gen device. Yes, we get 3G and GPS, a way to connect to Exchange, and the new app store, but what about everything else Forbes' Brian Caulfield outlines seven (actually eight) iPhone New Group Calls for Broadband in Every Pot - Renay San Miguel, TechNewsWorld- June 29, 2008 Embellishing on the basic American entitlements to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a new lobbying group is promoting broadband Internet access for all. wants to make it an issue in the upcoming general elections and is urging citizens to clamber onto the high-speed bandwagon. |