Hmmm ... where have my menu items gone- March 30, 2006 I worked with the carnage that was the complex relationship between VS2005 and SQL 2005 betas and CTPs for pretty much the entire beta cycle and got used to strange thinngs happening in the VS IDE. On release I installed the RTM bits and everything looked fine. However, teaching for DevelopMentor I frequently end up using machines that I haven't myself configured. I started to notice that the menus were sometimes different and took this to be that they were different because I was... Thread.Abort still considered harmful- March 7, 2006 Back in the days of .NET 1.1 there was a nasty issue with Thread.Abort where the ThreadAbortException could be thrown out of a finally block this was one of the reasons you should not have called Thread.Abort in 1.1. For v2.0 this no longer happens, however, this can have its own issues. Consider the following code: class Program static void Main(string... |