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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2006

The Ideas Bazaar

weblinks: anthropology, technology, society & culture

Worldmapper - March 28, 2006

I got sucked into this great site today, Worldmapper - a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. The map of ageing, see enlarged version here, is sort of...

Planes, Trains and Relativism - March 24, 2006

"Show me a cultural relativist at thirty thousand feet and I'll show you a hypocrite. Airplanes are built according to scientific principles and they work. They stay aloft and they get you to a chosen destination. Airplanes built to...

Breaking cover - March 22, 2006

New job, new country, new way of life. Lots to learn, assimilate, cope with, adjust to. Ireland is not the country the myths about it would have you believe and a hard place to get to grips with. This morning...
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