The Underground ManAlways bringing my "A" game.Why does anyone care about West Virginia- May 14, 2008 Why does anyone care about West Virginia I mean, really It's a trivial number of delegates and a bastion of racism (at least from the point of view of how Obama was castigated there and it was accepted by locals). She picked up 12 delegates on him (20 out of 28) and he has an apparently insurmountable 173 delegate lead as of this morning. And why aren't the press saying as much They seem to be more willing to toe the party line than Senator Obama which is quite a turn-around from recent... 55, Arlington Fly-In- May 14, 2008 Another semi-abstract. Again with Kodachrome. Bright Tail, Arlington, WA- May 13, 2008 I just love Kodachrome. My uncle tells me that I can simulate it with a digital and that will be my summer project. In the mean time, I plan to use up my refrigerated stock. This is from last summer's big fly-in at the Arlington airport in Washington. I love the semi-abstract nature of the profusion of color. Gabriela, Baltimore- May 12, 2008 My team mate, Gabriela, in a very late summer evening's game in Baltimore. One of our team mates had just gotten a puppy and was foolish enough to bring it out in the 100+ degree heat of an evening softball game. I doused the poor thing with water to help it cool itself and caught Gabriela watching a play. Urban decay, Baltimore- May 11, 2008 The Fall City Road in Baltimore has been neglected ever since they built the adjacent freeway ten or fifteen years ago. I ventured down it with my friend Adrian and caught this beautiful reflection on a cold spring day a year ago. Enfield, Baltimore- May 10, 2008 This is an Enfield I found outside my favorite soccer pub in Baltimore (one of the best in the country). My fellow Liverpool supporter is just about to fire it up. I had been snapping pics of his bike when he walked up to start it. Sleeping in the Sun- May 9, 2008 This little fellow I photographed on a seal beach 30 miles or so from my uncle's place on the central California coast a few weeks ago. He just looks very happy. Adrian- May 8, 2008 As promised, my first photo this month. This is of one of my good friends, Adrian. He and I went to college together, many moons ago, and reconnected at an alumni picnic event here in Seattle three or four years ago. This was one of my first photos with my new digital (Canon A720IS). I've been thinking lately about the lighting used by Rennaissance painters (notably Dutch masters) so that probably influenced the choice and composition. duckling time- May 8, 2008 Coming into work this morning I just saw in time a mother duck and ducklings starting to cross the road (five of them!). I stopped my car and while traffic backed up behind me, saw them cross in front, jump up on the grassy medium, and proceed to the other side of the street. The FedEx trucks waited in the other direction, so we stopped all traffic for the couple of minutes it took for them to cross. Renewed my battered faith in my fellow man, that did. a month of photos- May 7, 2008 As per my esteemed uncle's haranguing, I'm going to start posting some of my photography on this blog. I've previously kept it on my Flicker site, but I've been so busy of late that I haven't updated Flickr. So this will be my month of photos. Barring a couple of mini-vacations, I'll post a new photo on this page every day for the rest of the month. On a side note, been selling off items on various auction sites - trying to lighten my load of possessions - and am very close to being able to... |