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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for October 2007

The Random Emporium of PrettyDaisies

The Random Emporium of PrettyDaisies -

Happy Samhain! - October 31, 2007

Happy New Year! It's, like, a call to my Long Island roots mashed with one of my favorite shows. Mazel tov!

Birthday & Anniversary weekend plan - October 16, 2007

I can barely contain my excitement! It's gonna be an awesome weekend, filled with all manner of festivity._Friday_ + Get out of work at 1pm. + Buy firewood. + Head down to Middletown. + Dinner... + Attend Pledging at the House._Saturday_ + Some semblance of morning andor afternoon food at some point, likely at Ford News Diner. + Apple picking at Lyman Orchards in the afternoon sometime (forecast is currently cloudy, but I'm still going). + Build a fire at the house, hang out, perhaps do some...

Threadless, thou hast not forsaken me! - October 9, 2007

The past month or two have been somewhat mediocre in the designs department over at Threadless. Nothing grabbed me and said, "You can't live without me!" I was starting to think that perhaps my love affair with Threadless was over. :'(And then, that sneaky goose gave me this to gander at:Want want want want want-want! And I have a birthday coming up. ;)There's been a lot to distract me from the lack of Threadless love, which is kinda healthy, I s'pose. I worked a lot of extra hours in...
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