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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for February 2008

The Geek Aesthetic

The Geek Aesthetic -

(Untitled) - February 28, 2008

Screw it, surgery leaves me braindead. Meme timeName the movie quotes. You get e-cookies for correct reponses. 1. You can't be anal-retentive if you don't have an anus. 2. I think the Hispanic people are crying out to see a deadly, destructive, killing machine that they can embrace as their own.3.You gotta stay loose, relaxed. Keep your feet apart. Now, ten o'clock, two o'clock, quarter to three, tour jet, twist, pas de deux, I'm a little teapot, then the windup... and let 'er fly! The...

(Untitled) - February 17, 2008

Not to brag, but I think I just created the best pulled pork ever made without an actual smoke-pit.And for all the burns I've now received from my cast iron skillet, it makes damn good cornbread.It feels nice to be accumulating recipies that are more mine than other people's. Of course, they're all filtered through the Alton Brown teachings, but I'm starting to find my own insticts. Of course my abject hatred of dishes still prevents me from being any kind of proper domestic type. :)

(Untitled) - February 12, 2008

Note: apologies if you see this multiple times. It's crossposted to timbuktu.Start time: 7 AM. ..Since the boy (aka Nick) left for work about 10 minutes ago, it's my job to rouse the household. Even though it's not that early (hooray for lighter workload rotations!) we all move pretty slow in the mornings. The grey lump is my cat His Royal Zotness, and the black lump is Nick's dog Hurley Q. Butt..7:05 AM: I shower while Zot guards my clothes. Hurley has a tendency to eat my clothing if...
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