Things That Make You Go "Hmmm"Who cares what it's about. Just come on in, sit down, and relax a while.The Job and other ramblings- October 9, 2006 The job is going well. I am now officially past the 3-month mark. Contrary to one of the comments down below, being a NY Times editor has never been a dream of mine. In fact, newspaper editing sounds horrible to me altogether. And, if you've been following for a while, you know this isn't my first time out of the chute. I worked as an editor for several years before taking the plunge and going back to school to finish my degree. I'm glad I did. I like magazines. And no, I have no big dreams of.. TV- October 8, 2006 The new TV season started off with a bang. Tons of shows I wanted to watch. So many in fact, I've been Tivo'ing more than I can watch. I've also been playing the little DeathWatch game, and sadly enough, I suck. See, I've known for quite some time I'm not like the rest of America. At least, not enough like them to enjoy the same shows they do. Occasionally, I end up loving a show that everyone else does -- like CSI or Criminal Minds. But more often than not, my favorite new shows of the season.. |