Urban Vancouver - Vancouver's community blogVancouver's community blogToday's 'picture of the day'- June 24, 2008http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/318596602/6361 Another short reminder...- June 23, 2008 If you haven't already, check out Firefox 3 here.http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/317912255/6359 If we ain't got soul ... then we ain't whole- June 23, 2008 Many of us are trying to eat right, exercise regularly, and think positive thoughts but we still dont feel complete or whole. We seem to say and do all the right things but there is still something missing! That missing something could be a rich variety of spiritual experiences that come through a healthy spiritual practice. Wholistic living is about using all parts of who we are; body, mind, and spirit. Without the spiritual part our life can feel empty, meaningless, and incomplete . No amount.http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/317871480/6358 Just a little reminder...- June 20, 2008 Just a little reminder - if you use Grisoft's AVG 8.0 Internet Security, they've just released an upgrade to the program, to correct some problems that some of us were complaining about. To get the upgrade, do a normal update, and then right afterward, do another and the second try should connect you to the program upgrade, which will then begin. Afterward, you should do a reboot to make it effective. You can read more about it in this notice.http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/316357134/6357 3 handsome possibilities- June 18, 2008 http:thevancouvermanifesto.blogspot.com2008063-handsome-possibiliti... Fabula (Francis Bula) has been doing an addictively sensational job covering the municipal elections. Some comments: Ive come up with 3 handsome possibilities for November: Possibility of a Vision-COPE alliance I like the sounds of that actually. I would vote for Visions playboy-juice man if he were endorsed by my favourite oppositional Santa Claus-looking councilor, David Cadman. As previously discussed, Vision and COPE...http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/314922868/6353 Campbell's gas tax: 'Dear Editor'...- June 18, 2008 I sent this to the Vancouver Sun's Letters Editor this morning about the gas tax... Dear Editor: I understand the need to cut pollution and reduce greenhouse gases, but I think there should be some provision for those like myself who are on modest pensions, and can't buy a more modern car. My driving is already of the essential variety, rather than for fun, and I usually buy only one tank of gas during a month. I can't cut back much more than this, and I don't appreciate having my provincial...http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/314686834/6352 Musician Scott Jackson Performing Live With Monica Lee & Lindsay May- June 17, 2008 Singersongwriter Scott Jackson is taking part in a songwriters circle at The Wired Monk at 2610 West Fourth Ave., on Saturday June 21st at 8:00 p.m, along with musicians Monica Lee and Lindsay May. Jackson is truly one of Canadas national treasures. If you put Tom petty and U2 in a studio together, Jackson explains, the Scott Jackson sound is what you might end up with! At the age of 21, Jackson picked up an acoustic guitar and began writing songs. Shortly thereafter, he launched himself onto...http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/313959574/6349 Breaking up Do the ironing first...- June 17, 2008 Before you hit the road, better read this about a guy in Italy and his gal. Ain't love grandhttp://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/313862515/6347 Juice man squeezes out first ballot victory: Gregor Robertson wins Vision nomination- June 16, 2008 FULL POST WITH LINKS AND PICTURES http:thevancouvermanifesto.blogspot.com200806juice-man-squeezes-out... So Gregor Robertson wins on the first ballot. Easily. I must say, I am surprised. No surprise De Genova didn't have a chance though. But I'm surprised there was a sorry turnout for Louie. I still think Louie would have been the better candidate against Ladner. Now, come election in November you have pretty much the same people running against eachother. Robertson has been called, "Peter...http://feeds.urbanvancouver.com/~r/uv/~3/312778430/6346 |