Terra NovaA weblog about virtual worlds.In search of Afunakwa- July 6, 2008 Nate CombsLast year on Terra Nova, I posted on EVE Online that gave mention of Battlezone, the classic 1980 video game. Battlezone 1980, however, was a waystation, that led to a more robust connection from a more recent past, Battlezone II...http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2008/07/in-search-of-af.html Welcome to Bruce Damer- July 3, 2008 Greg LWe're very pleased to announce that Bruce Damer, a well-known virtual world pioneer who has been a guest author here (twice) has accepted our invitation to join us as a regular author. Below is a short bio about Bruce's past...http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2008/07/welcome-to-bruc.html Pssst...Hey, Mac!- July 2, 2008 Thomas MalabySo Age of Conan seems to have opened strong, and I'm eager to play it, I guess. I'm not a big fan of the Conan series, but I really miss gritty realism after so long in cartoony WoW, and everything...http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2008/07/psssthey-mac.html Virtually Eternal: A Positive Pathway to a Healthy and Sustainable Virtual Worlds Industry- July 1, 2008 Bruce DamerWith grateful thanks to John Hengeveld of Intel and others for many concepts and wording Heady Times for Early Adopters The early years of a technology is frequently characterized by a boisterous cacophony of players. Each player has a dream,...http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2008/07/virtually-etern.html |