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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for December 2007

Happy Holidays! - December 21, 2007

The end of 'user-centric' identity - December 15, 2007

In light of the last "tools" posting it's interesting to note that either Digital ID World's Eric Norlin recently posted their predictions for 2008 at CSO online and included this one:"User-centric identity protocols will stop calling themselves user-centric: This is an adoption story. User-centric protocols will gain some actual adoption in 2008 (yes, I'm implying that they haven't yet gotten any real adoption). In so doing, the folks in the know in that movement will stop prefacing everything.

Tools are just tools, you know - December 13, 2007

I've always been impressed by Pamela Dingle's ability to cut through the rhetoric and get to the heart of a problem. She's done it again.Patrick Harding, Nishant Kaushik, Johannes Ernst and Matt Flynn recently participated in an impassioned (if not actually heated) discussion of User-Centric identity in the enterprise. Pamela chimed in with her usual level-headed approach.Then, after the guys debated philosophy, Pamela - once again - reminded them that using the tools of so-called "user...
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