Warm Springs NewsLocal news for Warm Springs, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Uncertain future- November 20, 2007 "Some fronts have come through and have given us some good moisture" While it is still too early to gauge whether the new water year will deliver the level of moisture to furnish enough irrigation water for the next growing period, the rainy season is off to a good start, ... via Argus Observerhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-springs-or/2007/11/uncertain-future?fromrss=1 Red Sox rookie star gets hero's welcome in hometown of Madras- November 18, 2007 "This is about ready to put tears in my eyes" Boston Red Sox rookie Jacoby Ellsbury came home to a hero's welcome in this central Oregon town Saturday after a fairytale season that saw him rise from Double-A to World Series champion. via KATU-TV Portlandhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-springs-or/2007/11/red-sox-rookie-star-gets-heros-welcome-i... |