Walterville NewsLocal news for Walterville, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Suspect in the "Waddling Bandit" case arrested- June 5, 2008 Categories: Breaking News Lane County Adult Corrections Dante Dapolonia The case of the "waddling bandit" may have taken a decisive turn. Search for new fire chief continues- June 3, 2008 WALTERVILLE: Finding a replacement for retiring McKenzie Fire & Rescue Chief Dale Ledyard continues to elude the district's board of directors. At their May 20th meeting, the board again had to accept a letter of withdrawal from someone they'd offered the job.The first round of applications had a September 13th deadline. Since then the district has had to re-advertise the opening after two other successful candidates also reconsidered and withdrew.The latest, Terry Sott of Vancouver, had... |