Walterville NewsLocal news for Walterville, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New boat landing causing controversy- February 22, 2008 "The two other options have many more qualities of safety and less cost that would be there if they looked at them" Controversy is brewing at Leaburg Lake and it all boils down to the placement of a new boat landing. via KVAL-TV Eugene Nine new hydro plants planned for the McKenzie- February 14, 2008 "But we don't know if in the end, we would purchase. We have a resource strategy now that is really trying to de-emphasize hydro a bit. And, it would have to be 'clean hydro' - that is as environmentally friendly - before we'd purchase it." MCKENZIE RIVER: A San Francisco based company has filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a preliminary permit to develop up to nine new hydropower projects on the McKenzie River. Principle Power Hydro said the plants would be. |