Acerbia; pith, wit, acerbiaDoes it have to make sense?An Exercise In Frustration- October 26, 2007 So I want to talk about something I can't talk about because it will spoil it for someone else that I know will eventually read this so I'm going to talk about it indirectly and use lots of obfuscation and... Deeper Extraction- October 25, 2007 My writing class has caused me to dust off older entries and continue them. This piece continues as though I have skipped a handful of chapters after writing this post. Rob had the extractor in one hand and the spiral... Interstellar- October 23, 2007 He had decided that he had had enough; he would break free and find someone else. She had warmed his hemispheres and cooled his polar caps for all of his life but what had she done for him lately He... Shock and Awe- October 3, 2007 The last time I was excited about reading a piece of my own creation out before an audience I was let down by the audience reaction. Of 20 performers that night only a handful of them were worth the time... |