Wardell NewsLocal news for Wardell, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Good neighbors, honest people, helping apprehend thieves- January 10, 2008 Dunklin County's Assistant Prosecutor, Jonce Chidister, credits honest people throughout the community for helping to resolve a substantial portion of the recent copper thefts occurring in Kennett and ...http://www.topix.net/city/wardell-mo/2008/01/good-neighbors-honest-people-helping-apprehen... Ethel Mae Quillin- January 5, 2008 Funeral services for Ethel Mae Quillin, 85, of Wardell, Mo., were on Saturday, Dec.http://www.topix.net/city/wardell-mo/2008/01/ethel-mae-quillin?fromrss=1 |