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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for August 2004

The Green[e]house Effect: a Weblog

Skewering the ridiculous and hailing the sublime since 2002.

House Speaker ♥ Sept. 11 Hijackers! - August 31, 2004

... what's that You want proof Sorry, nothing doing — but if you try the logic the Honorable Denny Hastert (R-Ill.) applied to philanthropist George Soros the other day, my headline makes perfect sense. Hastert said, on Meet the Press:WALLACE:...

Three Cheers for Corporate Responsibility! - August 26, 2004

And now, the Greenehouse takes a moment out to commend corporations that do the right thing:Office Depot has teamed up with Hewlett Packard, the computing industry giant, to establish a nationwide computer recycling program through the retailer's stores. The program...

Cutting to the Swift-Boat Quick - August 25, 2004

Josh Marshall wrote a marathon post today that, in my opinion, trains a floodlight on the flaw in Bush's character that I try to exploit in this ad script:When this stuff comes down the pike, Kerry has to fight back...

Let's Get It What! - August 25, 2004

So over breakfast the other day, my friend Sarah tells me — while we talked about the Black Eyed Peas, for reasons I promptly forgot — that the group, on its latest album, doesn't call its current hit "Let's Get...
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