Tiffin NewsLocal news for Tiffin, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Rescue fun day raises awareness, money for local animal rescues- June 30, 2008 To bring attention to and raise money for local animal rescues, the Bright Eyes & Bushy Tails Veterinary Hospital hosted a rescue fun day Sunday.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/rescue-fun-day-raises-awareness-money-for-loca... Bars' longtime patrons fret life after smoking ban- June 28, 2008 Neighborhood pubs around Iowa won't be quite as relaxing for people who after a long day's work want to straddle their favorite stool and have a drink and a cigarette.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/bars-longtime-patrons-fret-life-after-smoking-... Clear Creek Amana 13, Louisa-Muscatine 3- June 26, 2008 Matt Villhauer hit a three-run double to end the game early in the fifth inning as the Clippers won in Tiffin.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/clear-creek-amana-13-louisa-muscatine-3?fromrs... Tiffin woman wins $25,000 in lottery- June 24, 2008 A Tiffin woman won $25,000 playing an Iowa Lottery scratch game, according to a news release sent Monday.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/tiffin-woman-wins-25-000-in-lottery?fromrss=1 CCA falls twice to Mount Vernon- June 22, 2008 The Mustangs swept a doubleheader from the Clippers in Tiffin, 4-3 and 13-7. Jeff Trumpold was 2-for-4 with one run, and Zach West was 1-for-3 with double for Clear Creek Amana in the early game.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/cca-falls-twice-to-mount-vernon?fromrss=1 View comment- June 20, 2008 Article Link: State preparing for unprecedented shutdown of I-80 Note: The article may contain additional comments Posted By: Jay Crlsn Post Date: 061308 01:50:00 AM Title: 80 to Tiifn I have to drive home ...http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/view-comment?fromrss=1 Reina Taurel, 44- June 18, 2008 Reina Taurel , 44, of Tiffin, died unexpectedly Sunday, June 1, 2008 at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/reina-taurel-44?fromrss=1 Reed, Eugene P.- June 15, 2008 Eugene P. Reed, 81, of Washington, died Wednesday, June 11, 2008, at Halcyon House following a lingering illness.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/reed-eugene-p?fromrss=1 Extension to host emergency crop meetings- June 13, 2008 Iowa State University Extension will host a series of emergency crop production meetings, including one today in Johnson County.http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/extension-to-host-emergency-crop-meetings?from... CCA splits with Tipton- June 11, 2008 The Clippers lost to Tipton 13-2 in five innings, but came back to win the second game of the doubleheader in Tiffin 8-4. Jeff Trumpold hit 2-for-3 with two runs and three stolen bases for Clear Creek Amana in ...http://www.topix.net/city/tiffin-ia/2008/06/cca-splits-with-tipton?fromrss=1 |