Yet Another Study: Global Warming Real- April 29, 2005 Scientists say they've found the "smoking gun" on global warming; AP:Climate scientists, with the aid of diving robots probing the world's warming seas, have found the heat exchange between Earth and space is seriously out of balance -- what the researchers called a "smoking gun" discovery that validates forecasts of global warming. They said the findings confirm that computer models of climate change are on target and that global temperatures will rise 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.56 degree... The Onion: Report: U.S. Foreign Policy Hurting American Students' Chances Of Getting Laid Abroad- April 29, 2005 As Atrios would say, "Heh-Indeedy." Worst Episode of The O.C. Ever- April 29, 2005 Watching the Bush press conference now ... ... Think Progress doing live debunking. "Legislating from the Bench" -- Matthew Yglesias. Wall Street Journal Oped Page: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels- April 29, 2005 The WSJ op-ed page lies about Abu Ghraib to cover the Bush administration's ass Shocking! J.R. Norton, outgoing research director for the Al Franken Show, with the details. Online Comm, Thursday- April 28, 2005 Terence Samuel. Turn of Events: John Bolton wasn't supposed to run into any trouble -- and Democrats weren't supposed to get their act together Ruy Teixeira. Revolt of the Middle Sam Rosenfeld. NUCLEAR FENCE-SITTERS thinkprogress. Press Conference: The Elephant in the Room Suzanne Nossel. Not Anti-Bulldog, Just Anti-Bolton Kos. The Whining Moderates Mark Z. Barabak. Is Arnold Losing It Gov. Schwarzenegger is looking less like Reagan and more like Ventura David Corn. Jokes for... Quotable Limbaugh- April 28, 2005 No comment needed:LIMBAUGH: I would submit to you that people on the left are religious, too. Their God is just different. The left has a different God. There's a religious left in this country. And, the religious left in this country hates and despises the God of Christianity and Catholicism and whatever else. They despise it because they fear it, because it's a threat, because that God has moral absolutes. That God has right and wrong, that God doesn't deal in nuance, that God doesn't deal... Hammer the Hammer- April 28, 2005 For work distraction. DeLay bit:DeLay, R-Texas, was admonished by the committee on three matters last year. Early in the day, he was clearly annoyed as he emerged from a closed Republican meeting and found himself in a mob of reporters. "You guys better get out of my way," he said. "Where's our security"Har. Gore Speech: "Breaking the Rules to Destroy Our Courts"- April 28, 2005 Get out your constitutional theory textbook and check out Al Gore's recent speech on the GOP's potential nuclear option :This fight is not about responding to a crisis. It is about the desire of the administration and the Senate leadership to stifle debate in order to get what they want when they want it. What is involved here is a power grab -- pure and simple. And what makes it so dangerous for our country is their willingness to do serious damage to our American democracy in order to... The Hamster Note- April 28, 2005 I'll have a site and personal announcement tomorrow. The Coming Ethics War- April 28, 2005 Though Republicans are reversing changes the House ethics rules, don't expect them to play dead - far from it. The Hill:Some GOP legislators are upset that they were forced to back down on the ethics rules, handing House Democrats a huge political victory. Others, including Hastert, believed that keeping the rules in place would have inflicted significant, long-term damage on House Republicans. Theyre angry about it, Rep. Gil Gutknecht (R-Minn.) said as he walked out of the meeting. One... |