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Feed items 1 - 10 of 11 for July 2007

Tightly Wound

Making fun of academics, 'cause it's easy!

Dumbest Quote from Shark Week - July 31, 2007

From a fellow who had his entire left calf taken off by a bull shark while standing in waist deep water with a film crew in order to demonstrate that you can stand around in waist deep water with sharks and apparently not get eaten... "There are no dangerous sharks, just dangerous situations." This little gem caused both Hublet and myself to do a WTF double-take. What makes the situation dangerous, pray tell Perhaps the inclusion of a SHARK Or several sharks Who are in the process of...

Scott Thomas, TNR, WTF OMG BBQ - July 27, 2007

If you're not up on this ongoing saga, here's the deal in a nutshell: TNR publishes one of those first person SHOCKER stories about American troops going all Heart of Darkness in Iraq. There are questions about veracity. And away we gooooooo! That'll all shake out eventually, and it's not what I'm interested in. But the academic angle, and the types of writers our overly-insular, MFA circle-jerk programs are turning out, are what I'm interested in. Mainly because those people are RUINING..

Put Down That Ho-Ho! You're Making Me Fat! - July 26, 2007

I love obesity research, especially the kind of obesity research that enables me to blame other people for my own inability to resist the siren song of burritos the size of my head. So now I can add being overweight to the list of things I don't have to take personal responsibility for. Isn't the 21st century great On a completely unrelated, but interesting note, read this story about Oscar the Feline Harbinger of Death.

Let the Lawsuit Commence! - July 26, 2007

Ya know, it's probably bad of me to deliberately wait until Inside Higher Ed publishes its version of the Ward Churchill Gets Fired story to post a link, but the usual suspects on that comments forum simply leave the regulars at the Chronicle in the dust. So read and enjoy. Oddest bit of "this question cannot be answered" logic from a blog referenced at the end of the article: Should the fact of a witch-hunt be enough to bring academia to the defense of one of its own The knee-jerk answer is..

Potterdammerung - July 23, 2007

Okay - Read it. Feel free to weigh in with opinionsreviews in the comments. And I have one question (after the cut, for those of you who didn't spend 8 solid hours reading until your eyeballs were out on stalks):

Oh, Sure. Anything Goes. - July 18, 2007

Until the old people start doing it. And then you have to go and declare an emergency ban on public nudity. Savor that phrase for a moment - "emergency ban on public nudity." And also this one: "Some cite a case in which a senior citizen from Arizona strolled through the center of town wearing only a waist pack and sandals." Which elicits 2 responses from me: AAAHHHHH MY EYES!!!! and Ahhhaaaaahaaaahaaahaaa! Remind me to avoid Vermont in summer.

The Dept. of Professional Panic Dept. - July 17, 2007

Apparently we haven't worked ourselves up into a frothy enough panic about global warming, so the doomsayers in charge of predicting our demise have come up with something else for us to freak out about: If we don't get a colony on Mars within the next 46 years, we are doomed. DOOOOMED!! Well, 5,100 years from now, that is. But still! DOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEDDDD! I believe I mentioned this a couple of years ago, but it bears repeating: I am all out of panic. Done. Fini. At this point, a live.

Shallow Hal - July 12, 2007

Ah, embarrassed southern apologist! How I've missed your rantings, your declarations that even though ignorance and racism are everywhere, it's all the fault of the south! Poor, backward south! If not for embarrassed southern apologists bravely toiling in the mills of local indepent rags, we'd still be feckless layabouts sippin' shine on the shanty porches when we weren't donning hoods to make sure that darkies knew their place... But fortunately for me, you've moved up in the world, and...

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - July 10, 2007

I'm going to do it. I've been fighting myself about this since last summer, and I can't fight any longer. I'm going to buy the family a Wii. And by "the family," I mean mostly me and The Boy, although the fact that the Wii has Brothers in Arms and a number of good sports games will certainly appeal to Hublet. See, I'm not an early adopter. I still have the PS2 that I purchased in 1998. I like it, it works, and as long as they continue to make God of War for it I will be a happy woman. I..

Good Guy Death Star. No Girls Allowed. - July 9, 2007

I tell The Boy two stories each night. The content varies with my level of inspiration and alertness, but occasionally I will hit upon a subject that The Boy will insist on revisiting and embellishing. And that's how The Boy's Good Guy Death Star Adventure Series began. The Boy, or Master of the Galaxy, as he prefers to be known in his adventures, asked me to tell him a story wherein he saves the day. So I invented a story about The Emperor and Darth Vader bringing the Death Star to earth,..
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