The Spam WeblogThe Spam WeblogIt's your weekly best of Weblogs, Inc.- August 27, 2005 The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find links to the hottest posts from the past week after the jump including a review of Google Talk, the latest television spoilers and a Flash-based gas pump. But first up is our newest blog, SlashFood.... The very best of Weblogs, Inc for your viewing pleasure- August 20, 2005 The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find links to the hottest posts from the past week after the jump including a special review contest, celebrity virginity, and even the best Windows emulator for Mac. Enjoy! Hackadays Eliot Phillips warns you not to... Spammers slow down for summer- August 16, 2005 A report from Ipswitch indicates that spammers don't like the heat; spam has fallen 20% since March. Whether it's the heat from the prosecuters attempting to make good on their CAN-SPAM threats, or heat from the good ol' sun, is yet to be determined. Ipswitch isn't calling the war "won," though - they're worried about the rise in phishing, from 9% to 12.5% of all emails. Mortgage and loan spam is still popular, but it's falling as an overall percentage of... ASCII spam- August 15, 2005 You're just going to have to follow the link and go see. It's spam (Viagra, Cialis, the usual) made like they used to do ASCII art. It's quite brilliant, and best of all - totally fools the filter. The letters from "I miss you I hope you are doing well have a nice day I hope you still remember me" are arranged to spell "Cialis $28" and other pharmaceutical-pushing (and filter-avoiding) messages. Permalink Email this Linking Blogs Comments And now this week's very best of the Weblogs, Inc. Network- August 13, 2005 The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find links to the hottest posts from the past week after the jump including an motion detection for Flash games, favorite Kids in the Hall moments and even a Spanish Autoblog announcement. Enjoy! Droxys Ryan Saghir got. Zombies still sending most spam- August 12, 2005 In news that shows the true hazards of always-on internet connections, MX Logic reports that 56% of all spam was sent from zombie computers in July; the third straight month that the majority of spam has originated with zombies. In June, the number was a whopping 62%. Zombies are PCs infected with a Trojan horse that sends spam from an unwitting user's personal account. Permalink Email this Linking Blogs Comments Indiana state fair judges know their Spam (tm)- August 12, 2005 Food columnist Nancy King has been judging the Spam competition at the Indiana state fair for over 20 years, and she says she's never needed an antacid or had stomach troubles from ingesting various strange and wonderful Spam preparations. Co-judge, 71-year-old Max Fitzpatrick, says Spam is in his blood thanks to the long history of the food in his hometown, Franklin, Indiana. "..oh, I know my Spam... Franklin is the city of Spam and RC Cola." In this year's competition, the... AOL raffling off spam booty to its members- August 10, 2005 Starting today, AOL is giving away over $100,000 of deliciously gangster-esque booty seized from spammers to its users. The goodies include 33 one-ounce gold bars, nine gold coins, $75,000 in cash, and a tricked-out 2003 Hummer H2. It's also so Snoop Dogg, isn't it The spammer in question caused as many as 10,000 complaints a day, and was taken down with help of AOL users. They're also donating seized computer equipment to schools in Northern Virginia, where AOL is... Microsoft to spend spam settlement to fight crime and help kids- August 10, 2005 Microsoft won $7 million in damages from Spam King Scott Richter - so what you ask. They can't possibly need that pocket change. Fortunately, they're not just divvying it up among the company's shareholders (or hotmail members, which would have been sweet). Microsoft has pledged to give $1 million to the state of New York to help community centers teach technology skills, and $5 million to invest in its partnerships with governmental agencies that are fighting spam and other... Spam king agrees to pay $7 million in damages- August 10, 2005 Just weeks after his reformation was made official, once-upon-a-time Spam King Scott Richter has agreed to pay $7 million in damages to Microsoft (the original suit was filed in New York by Microsoft and aggressive consumer advocate and NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer). Richter and his company, OptInRealBig, have also agreed to comply with all state and federal laws regarding spam. The settlement is conditioned on Richter and the company dismissing their bankruptcy petitions pending... |