The Harvest HollerThe 'RIGHT' voice in the times that are 'LEFT'...Gallery - Error: Could not open lock file- April 18, 2006 After working with the TCH tech team, I believe I've come to understand what is causing this error to occur in Gallery... Warning: fopen(hometheiowapublic_htmlphotosgalleryalbumsweddingphotos.dat.lock): failed to open stream: Permission denied in home2theiowapublic_htmlphotosgalleryplatformfs_unix.php on line 53 Error: Could not open lock... RFO - I'm still fine tuning after restore- April 17, 2006 My hosting company had a SCSI driver fail on Server43, which resulted in some down time yesterday evening and into early this morning. They were superb at restoring sites from backup in a timely manner and working any individual issues.... Cedar Rapids Ballistix Softball- April 12, 2006 The official Ballistix website is now deployed. I added it as a subdomain to this one. A link is provided in the TOC on the main page for this website, or you can access it directly by going here.... Samuel Archive Update- April 12, 2006 The first quarter of 2006 has been closed and I have started uploading pictures into the second quarter of the 2006 chronological archive.... |